Every three to six months, everyone should consider washing their curtains to keep their windows clean. However, you can go longer between washings by maintaining a weekly dust removal routine. Frequently cleaning out the dust, dirt, pet hair, and cobwebs in your curtains helps your home smell fresh and clean, you’ll eliminate allergen problems, and you’ll be able to spot stains in areas that need more in-depth attention. Here’s what you can do on a weekly basis:
Vacuum heavier fabrics with your upholstery brush attachment. (Note: you can tape a piece of mesh or pantyhose over the brush when working on day curtains or lightweight curtains, so the vacuum does not suck up the fabric into the nozzle.)
Shake out sheers and lighter-weight window coverings.
Use a long-handed dusting tool to gently crush and dust the top of the curtains along the rod where dust accumulates.
NOTE: Some curtains may require special treatment. Doing anything other than dry cleaning is at your own risk. Do check on the label that reads dry cleaning only or you can call us at the button below